- Workshops provided for education leaders featuring handmade headgear/handpuppets together with scripted roleplays and interviews.
Little things are IMPORTANT.
Scripted interviews with insects, birds and mammals encourage empathy with them and raise awareness of their importance in the grand scheme of things.
The "Let's Hear it for Hawthorn"session features a wealth of creatures supported by the Hawthorn. It raises awareness of the importance of hedgerows and has been a successful attraction at Wildlife events, festivals and schools across Shropshire, Herefordshire, Powys, Ceredigion, Gwent and Pembrokeshire.
“Meet the Pollinators” sessions feature assorted bees and other pollinators and emphasize their vital importance to our own survival. The latest additions to the menagerie are numerous butterflies and a rather spectacular moth.
The creatures are gregarious and always looking for new ways to broaden their horizons.
on Let's Hear it for Hawthorn